WHO urges action to protect children from contaminated medicines

WHO is releasing an urgent call to action to countries to prevent, detect and respond to incidents of substandard and falsified medical products. Over the past four months, countries have reported on several incidents of over-the-counter cough syrups for children with confirmed or suspected contamination with high levels of diethylene glycol (DEG) and ethylene glycol…

Paving the way for a global migration to 2D barcodes

2D barcodes connect businesspeople and consumers to the information they need for inventory management, traceability programmes, sustainability initiatives and other engagement actions that will dramatically enhance the experiences for all. First-generation barcodes, currently used for over 1 billion products, contain a unique product identifier (GTIN). Thanks to GS1 standards, a simple scan connects each of…

Results of the GS1 2D barcode pilots in the Zhejiang province positively recognised at First Global Digital Trade Expo

On the afternoon of 11 December, the first Global Digital Trade Expo took place in Hangzhou, China, with the participation of leading political figures. Ding Zhongli, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress opened the ceremony. Yi Lianhong, Secretary of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, Wang Hao, Governor of Zhejiang Province and…

GS1 is working to empower the retail sector’s digital transformation to ultimately benefit the consumer

Whether in consumer-packaged goods, fresh foods, apparel or general merchandise, in physical stores or online, GS1 is committed to supporting the retail sector’s digital transformation. We are working to enable ubiquitous, verifiable product identity with accurate, complete, harmonised digital product information. This is the foundation for an efficient, resilient and transparent supply chain. It will…

وكيل وزارة «الصحة» المساعد لـ«الاتحاد»: «تطمين» تستهدف تتبع تصنيع وتأمين 6000 منتج دوائي بالدولة

سامي عبد الرؤوف (دبي) أعلن أحمد الدشتي، وكيل وزارة الصحة ووقاية المجتمع المساعد لقطاع الخدمات المساندة، أنه سيتم إطلاق المنصة الذكية لمبادرة «تطمين» لتتبع مراحل تصنيع المنتجات الدوائية وتأمين إمداد مرافق الرعاية الصحية بالدولة بهذه المنتجات، في شهر ديسمبر المقبل. وقال في تصريحات خاصة لـ «الاتحاد»: «سيتم تطبيق مبادرة «تطمين» على نحو 6000 منتج دوائي…

GS1 UAE’s BrandSync platform receives ISO/ IEC 27001 security certificate

In a milestone achievement, GS1 UAE’s BrandSync platform, a product information and management system, received an ISO/ IEC 27001 security certification. BrandSync was created to enhance trust at every level of the business supply chain, and the security certificate underscores the organization’s unwavering commitment to empowering safe and secure business solutions. ISO/ IEC 27001 has…