These are the numbers behind the barcodes.

Used in both the physical and digital worlds, GS1 identification keys uniquely distinguish types of products, logistics units, locations, assets, documents, and service recipients across the supply chain—from the manufacturer to the consumer or patient.

When you become a GS1 member you are assigned a GS1 Company Prefix. This is the number from which your company can create the different GS1 identifiers.

Learn more about our main identifiers


Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)

The GTIN identifies types of products, whether you’re selling them online or in store. It’s the number you see under most barcodes.


Global Location Number (GLN)

GS1 standard for identifying locations for greater efficiency and visibility in the supply chain.


Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC)

Unique and serialised identification of logistic units, enabling them to be tracked across the supply chain.


Global Shipping Identification Number (GSIN)

Identifies a group of logistical units referenced by a dispatch notice and/or transport note.


Global Shipping Identification Number (GINC)

Identifies logistic units that are assembled to be transported together under the same transport document.


Global Returnable Asset Identifier (GRAI)

Identifies returnable assets such as beer kegs, pallets and crates.


Global Individual Asset Identifier (GIAI)

For identifying and managing individual assets throughout their lifecycle, such as phones, medical equipment, and wheelchairs.


Global Service Relationship Number (GSRN)

Used by organisations to identify recipients or providers of a service. Could be used for store loyalty programmes as well as patients and clinicians in a hospital.


Global Document Type Identifier (GDTI)

Can be used to identify types or even instances of documents, such as medical records.


Global Coupon Number (GCN)

Enables companies to identify digital coupons, a ticket, or document that can be exchanged for a financial discount or for loyalty points when making a purchase.


Global Model Number (GMN)

Allows users to identify a family of products. Will be used by in healthcare to meet the requirements of the Basic UDI-DI for the QU Medical Device Regulation.


Component/Part Identifier (CPID)

Enables the identification of components and parts, typically where an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) defines the specifications of a component or part that is part of its final product, such as car.

If you require further information about GS1 identification keys or technical information, please visit the GS1 global website.

More information about GS1 identification keys

Need an identifier for your products?

Become a member of GS1 UAE to access GS1 identifiers and standards for your business.
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